
Research on keyboards and keyboard configurations.


A Modern Space Cadet / SteveLosh: Anoverview of a physical keyboard. Videos of people editingtext: Study how different people writecode and work! Ergonomic KeyboardReviews Codingin Stenography, QuickDemo

Testing typing!

Typing Practice


BEAKL - Deskthority - Best keyboard layouts October2022 ColemakMod-DH GitHub -shapr/markovkeyboard: keyboard layout that changes by markovfrequency Ergonomic KeyboardMods: ExtendLayer How toWork with Small Keyboards — Blog - Everything splitkeyboard. Abrief summary of alternative keyboard layout options :KeyboardLayoutsIntroducing the RSTHD layout – meus recogitare etexcogitareWhat is the Most Efficient KeyboardLayout?Limiting keyboard use to only easy-to-reach keys - General - Colemakforumrolling qmk modifiersrevisited:What if we throw some modifiers on the home row and introduce latencyfor pressing them? I fear that the debounce might be too high for quicktyping, and that we're already making things slow enough. (The dream isto converge on some keyboard layout then encode it in hardware,trivializing any latency from a QMK-like system).


Corne (CrKbd) Keyboard Build \| VolodymyrLukashevychCarpalx - keyboard layout optimizer.Design a keybaord to prevent carpal tunnel.

Hardware Innovations

Beyond Keys

Nano. Slider – keebwerk.Trackpad in a Keycap for Corne/CrKbd Keyboard \| VolodymyrLukashevych

Good shapes

GitHub -abstracthat/dactyl-manuform

one handed keyboards

FrogPad - Wikipedia XXIIVV —juni: A one-handed chordedkeyboard. NatTuck/Twiddler: Files for Twiddler one hand chordingkeyboard, andTwiddler, the one hand chordingkb.


general plan: use beakl layout for thumb clusters.

IDEA: configuration has two types of keymappings.

one is relative to the location on the keyboard, while another isrelative to the letter. i like mixing both of these. there should besome system for allowing me to easily do the former? TODO: break thisdown into more specific topics!

what do I want my keyboard to do?

  • type, well
  • preserve some similarity to my laptop keyboard
  • make it easy to do the things i can do in i3 on laptop already
  • midi layer to play notes and make music !! – definingsequences with which you can trigger keypresses and functions! this useslead -\> cut instead of having to hold the whole sequence all at once

rough ideas

greek letters behind a hidden layer for fast math typing

  • on this layer remap shift so that it opens capital greek letterreevaluate how i use modifier keys and where i put my thumbs for easeof access

what else do i type frequently? what is the fastest way to lay out thenumpad to enable quick access? what function keys or macros would beuseful to me? emojis?? on my keyboard?? introduce leader keys and macrosto spit out some keyboard shortcuts, music, or important informationexplicitly document this somewhere dont be afraid to draw out specificlayout!! obviously best action to take is planck or split keyboard, butthe next action to take is changing the keyboard layout to radicallychange the way the fingers move as we type! do not place constraint onhow many keys are relocated places on this site layout the q\*\*lw\*layouts for optimizing for various things, one keeps zxcv in place forgreater effeffectiveness. consider using one of these as opposed tocolemak or somethign for better effectivenes in geneeral: find what isntworking and optimiz potential ideas- macros for different latexexpressions(it is possible that org mode already offers this)it may bebetter to just use org mode for latex and shortcut the org modeexpressionsthis should be some 'math mode' laye- midi control layer-offers potential for drum kit as well as for a piano roll of some sort-perhaps dual buttons for tweaking knobs up and down- mappings similar tolaunchpad to programs such as ableton use colemak i will probably have to make some changes to otherkeybindings to reflect thicurrent are proper for qwerty but these ssamebinds will not make sense in other placesfrom planck repos- ajp10304holdtab for shifthold enter for shifthold space for some function layemacros:

  • backspace + control
  • delete with control
  • layer specifically for navigation and typing brackets
  • layer with copy, paste, duplicate, other things functionality

58 - sdothum colemak-dh shift tab key overlays number and symbolfunction key layer layer with hex numbers layer with navigation andkeypad autocompletion of key pairs extensive use of tap keys fordifferent layout 67 - am media keys both qwerty and colemak number andreversed number pads for both hands touchccursor layEr ?? look into thismouse layer 74 - voodagod: bone2planck ergonomic placement for codingfor things on second layer (m1) navigation and number blocks inconvenient and intuitive place function and media keys on separate layerfrom navigation keys 2 layers that swap funvtion and media ke ys as wellas switched navigation and number blocks 4 mod keys, 2 on either side ofthe spacebar 80 - cbbrowne keypad layer has cool macros:

  • automatic type out of name with leaders
  • random number generator spits out number

hold enter for shift helping with tmux:

  • may be helpful to add tmux layer
  • this would have macros specific to the navigation of tmux
  • kc lead to find key combos not concurrent

jeebak keymap with good ideasL:

  • number layer has numbers in several places
  • touchcursor allows for cursor layer on home keys

jeremy-dev keymap also cool

  • shift hands outwards, special keys in center
  • symbol layer has compound keys for c operators
  • this would have macros specific to the navigation of tmux
  • kc lead to find key combos not concurrent

jeebak keymap with good ideasL:

  • number layer has numbers in several places
  • touchcursor allows for cursor layer on home keys

jeremy-dev keymap also cool

  • shift hands outwards, special keys in center
  • symbol layer has compound keys for c operators96 - corvec redundancyfor common keys so that they are easily accessible

this is especially true for keys that can be out of the way autoshiftbut also defined shift keys as autoshift is slow movement is hjkl orhnei depending on the keymap arrows mimicked by home, pgdown, pgup, andend on the lower row media keys same location as Arrow keys togglelayers minimized so that keyboard state is predictable shift toggle?deactivate automaticall

  • dcompact

stateless typing minimize mouse usage has Plover integration forstenotypi

  • sdothum

colemak dh with shift tabn key overlays number, symbol, function keylayers hex keypad layer navigation keypad layer dynamic macro layerextensive use of tap keys

  • hvpkod

swedish keys on main layer using tap dance (what is tap dance

  • impossible by UnderSampled

main objective:

  • move most used punctuation to the thumbs
  • removing s middle column??
  • other space gains conbine keys only chorded with non symbol keys aswell as function layer asnternati ves
  • qwerty layer seems to be entirely normal

stenoigraphy: moves number low below the regular keys,providingcomfortable placement for the thumb key s switch between layouts andchange other keyboard settings with adjustment lay

  • jeremy-dev

programmer who avoids rsi so they want to avoid stuff makes heavy use ofmomentary layer toggling momentary toggles, hold single mods likebackspace, space, etc. for better functionality symbol layer keysaccessible via the thum

  • jeremy-dev

programmer who avoids rsi so they want to avoid stuff makes heavy use ofmomentary layer toggling momentary toggles, hold single mods likebackspace, space, etc. for better functionality symbol layer keysaccessible via the thum

  • laeleth

standard querty layout for main page lower layer places all numbers on asingle hand raise layer prioritizes parens over all else numpad layerfor single hand numpad: is this a good ide

  • matrixman

wanted pinkeys to have a break or something index fingers and palmpresses do a lot more planck mobile, ergodox at home, want to minimizedifficulty of switching between the t

  • yttyx

base layer uses balance twelve layout?? plover layer uses the same homeposition as the base layer link

  • steno

stenography keymap for the keyboard set plover to TX bolt, select comport that represents keyboa

  • snowkuma

colemak planck layout influenced by sdothum and blog allows forminimisation of key usage to set and having hands in comfortableposition colemak base layer symbol cursor nav layer notably blocks outtwo middle layers for unknown reason has regex layer jsut on right handfor good expressions magnet shortcuts? thumb shortcut layer functionlayer with lots of keys mouse layer that allows for easy navigation(what does the gui bbutton do

  • smt

has mod-tap keys re: jackhumbert qmk firmware fun with modifier keysarticle using left shift as mod tap for escape?? this seems weird mantab is also the hyper key when held down backtick is in the lower leftcorner, used as the tmux prefix key group open paren and closed parentogeth

  • smittey

focused on coding and utilizes home row for common symbols space is alsofunction key, and leads to arrow key navigation scre

  • sean

typematrix dvorak keyboard with escape, tab, enter and backspace in themiddle rather than on outside middle row functions hold most of thefunctionality the adjust layer has one shortcut copy, paste, numpad,dvorak etc layer acces

  • samuel

pretty mode organized for dvorak has tap keys configured with all of thekeys held above as alternate layer

  • all keys shoukld have alt tap functionality to provide better accessto th function and macro layer for one shot things

python layer as well?? good layout of code for keym

  • priyadi planck layout

emoji layer ! cursor and nav cluster available on the home row numberlayer supports hex input somehow left and right side modifier keys fauxclickey?? i think this means it makes sounds when the keypressesregister which is stup

  • pascamnothing special - mostly default - but another good referencefor how to place keys on the keyboa

    • oeywnorwegian grid layoleader keys, tap dancing and


    • piemod by choromansoffers support ofr ortho, i3wm and programmingsymbono

    documentation though. Sa

    • piemod by choromanskiers support ofr ortho, i3wm and

    programming symbolsno documentation though. Sadtakeawaymake all holdkeys also tap keys with a different functionalitlayers fo- navigation( should have dedicated copy, paste, etc functionality for ease ofnavigation and moving tex t aroun- programmer buttons - commonprogrmmer symbols to type as well as macros to help with progrma typi-typing greek lette- latex symbols ( could be combined with the greekletter thing) this is largely an alternative note taki ng mode to beused in math courses or something, possibly in conjunction with orgmode. do soem research on taking literate notes with latex and getback to this. for now just do the greek letters?? lots of coo lprogramming can be done here to enter and exit contextual programmingmodes inside different scopes for entering and exiting them byremembering scopes as well as previous keys, or typing out entirecommonly used latex symbols concretely through the keyboa- commonlyused phrases - this shouldn't be a layer so much as a series of macrosdefined by leader keys that can be accessed via normal tyoping layer,and should include email, name etc. could also create pass word bufferin the firmware to write, read copy and paste to but ideally someexternal program should han dle th- some toggle layer for a midicontroller or music making mode!!! only do this wehn you get back intomus ic production or find some way to do something like thend goal:completely navigate computer without any usage of the keyboard usingconjunction of software an d hardwar
