This was a page documenting all of the tools I used on a day-to-daybasis. It's currently defunct as I reorganize this wiki. I'll updatewith more information as I continue to delete all of the sillyaggregated links on this site. (See:,
It might make more sense to use a custom file type to represent thisinventory or to catalogue it in some more disciplined way - I sense thatan org-mode file may not have the best way to express.
focus on the things that you do, not the tools that you use toaccomplish them. \<- I wish I had known this when I was obsessing overall of these things I owned!
better improvements often come with learning to use the tools you havebetter, rather than continuing to learn new tools and technologies.
Software tools should be descriptive, not perscriptive! Ishould, somewhere, catalogue the software tools I like - but thatinformation is managed declaratively in my NixOS repo, so it seems sillyto wrap around and re-document it here
moleskine pentel orenz nero planck
nimslo 3D fuji xt3
bose qc35ii audioengine a2+
vultr vps xps 13 9370 galaxy s21
wireless nc earbuds teenage engineering op-1